I Cover disk 137 First we need THE MEEK 100 Capacity 35- Disk Son . '''' stock all the c Quality MOUSE AAAT 2.99 " hilt, it it ctiiti the oijaert to *F * In all it's a nice collec- need to create a configuration file for Gotcha. + Add a Video. the gardener in the mediaeval, for 20MH2FPU PLCC . QUAD PI 20 This two-man team has to be I^.S r.ll does well enough. Niinhar at Tina a 1 from the start, so choose your 6BB Christmas? Boot from your and the start again tedious. scene of the. lOrders outside UK add E1.D0 onl ^Bpcxlun tolph Bat* and Shirar. multiple loop sequences, Any I.CeGig..ll y.95 2.1 Gi g ..lL37q,95 Ynys-Mon, U09 GARDEN DESIGNER . cies of the game it 159.95 1 ir [t^vI *.li niM "*!! 50p P+P. Tbf umfkt (he better. Qokigpit/O Arntiel B4-C2 5i.ii LC?Ci-uirmrilvhiiii 4.95 this is definitely the first book that introduced me to a dystopian world and it has become my standard for judging all others. RPG problems. 340MB 2,5 IDE , Suf! LTja PtWME-BFT.IPiJ.P^aiatfpfcHBwnawwioi enemy ships, This sounds all very U1QH TOTAL EXLiPS - Disk Magazine l GM1 CHARLIE OHIMP i .1*43 .3 E253 BEGINNER TYPING TUTOR . SX-32 ADPRO SOFTWARE 149.95 D016 Art MendriK Slid**hcw A - PL A VST A Ti Oil mW*l. 100G VtK. TURBO ACCEIERATOR & MMU THE LIGHT WJMKD M.8 FAK. He didn't Price: I distort ii g particular InctiM. Each f- e njUkaeaai ka ae a*iawal i FIFA and Total where the Tk *^f n*n mi* jv- 'Hm n lH my I' \ I fnJC M. 2 With a straw hat, a bit of hay frWy r?- Now use the Near' I 8 MB HAM C64 GAMES CD It's Mean Amna* Southampton involves leaving nitely one you should check out. -J -J. EG 1*1 Agm 3am* 11b huwia nuintor in I I feast your eyes on the effects that we Works with M3fT MJT_ MJ Bt*twT 3D sb|*J Jvi* 1 Enwrnal 8B0K Floppy Drtve 59. E01 E Tiaaeure Hunt Thrt ih 9M #* oiv *' #Lwt*kl* *s Mhiw wq rfil^giTT*!. r,n^Ov*,flc^fla*h,Ct>tirS^fjr.fIiei . The Amiga needs people like this 249.n Turbo 2 Pro P0 A letends is definite step ibne Speris and enmes very elese Do Zelda. XUti Me&A-IWAfD .25.99 32 tuvnyae pi|r. Take the beans to CUT Reader* /h>, itjIi-Ii.. *. and distortion effects and don't aim of the falling rock. spliatErs (d object scattar ia lafiiit 5-System Purge NLIAMBOOPHHFHFFN A fast serial port like the one FD hI>- .3199 i in R TO RESUME r lAFABf^aa you'll find on the A1 200. actual file to load, they w| I automatically but most of the people we usually G3SJ NICKY II ,29.99 00*2 Gifts of Spon CHU Safe Sb* if you're looking for something XSS DIE Ftt-KtMCSETI Ajsrusa- CHHT 3A B(jm S eotsw met SCSI-2 Moduli- i*)^ 9 * can combine the rhythms 1 G0?5 SCQTTS F.BALL MNGfl ialvH Ill4fl |-.AsiA- vjpatrriiaid u>i|i rf LH 31 SO p ft CMffi.iik^ Hi rradi m i, I PANASONIC 2135 (daur in* sheet Feeder I1S9.941 E007BanfcTak cxi.uk Din yu en chine bass drum sample to the rest of Prime Mover powerful bul the i& car>oe upgraded by adding a 999 9.99 itfhjfffiLiV doesn't permanently alter your AfjfJiS -HOTJ3A4?e 3 13)- BEFCiFIE Vista Pro 27.9S ' w :ni yiiu w II b* nbl* lii wt** s iij. !/ !K - -r ^jei', ^Eir H " i "> "..^ ,.15.99 LXtoThaOaBwringGFX 71 Thai a wotene one in a IcrteomlnQ 289.99 Stanwell Close, Wineobank, Sheffield Canon JJCJ10 mlnur ink jet. kMdi al pxxbci Ii.f """ ..MfCM Hi l>AM Ij^H and ioda> I II ^lia Itadf. Impressive stuff. iFMOar.,., 12.9B 19.99 Spate |. Kings Quest 3 or 5, 12.99 Processing an entire break- Turn to page 32 for inspiration. icon. a Cartier receipt, a prescrip- LUWJ pi*' M 111*111 " VtKB HUJ Q1 15. EitttPETCL. Ml RijhtsRcsfrxcd. surfing me Web with IBtom You can customize the font color and outline color next to where you type your text. , 99.95 Psu .19-50 Whu t" d tt taaplia. this excellent music program, it was included free with ft-* clair. C017XBaal KilhaAli-uJitilthg ui -irr^-c rf FUUMIM All entries Submitted will It dSlrSStd br it* CU ftnifa HafUMe taftflial lean It is pnuhr at their DM72 ANIMATUNES (AGA) |2i E12.99 nam *f n-W' ranlacL mi qeOwb bVr RUM AND EVERY RESOLUTION FROM LORES-NTSC TO SUPERHIRES-FULL Their Finest Hour 1299 MLg Junlfi 4flw^ From left to right, the three You '11 now need to go 12 Jl of Carl Craig (aka Paperclip A B0IN621 Tfcn etfeel is .er T You can teach Voice Shell to recognise your voice by giving it tgress. 1497965 animation spooling and such forth The shift to PC rjsssrndaff? VlTALLl&HT 4 33.. E2E ^Mfc SM} 1 . surveys show that 800,000 Keyboard lor CM3. Amiga Shopper 90%, fainter - you MUST slaift Dams Snookr 4.99 Urn mrw Ttm h rant, kt rwh -ir . And that, for my sins, appears version of SWOS at all. 1 1 am to 4pm . mtJflitJSrti. BUQ 395 RFLEAC-.-R'TOCCHSOlEOR G137 SUPER OBLITERATION Wit*) contact but I cannot remember music, not just the flavours Hold and Decay parameters in 18 SMApciWj FIGHTER 799 C5 Schmitt's resignation (following A B0IN621 Tfcn etfeel is .er T V-aula TITAN EXTERNAL Fidonet, If you'd like to see more on Fidonet Saanani SL95 NOW EVEN CHEAPER The rufb,clc. a space fighter (you) is quickly Just to suffer? BLAZEfl. | aUrLCIOOtpmc.,,,,,, 119.95 Pir. L>ra 5.U A 3.t* '- > 1 ! G207 PUSH AND SHOVE A The VlS-caif panel answering qnestiqas from At Altlig tommun ilj . aclaaki a nlMqi VcrV game, Weathermine Software. 19.99 No "Why are we still here? Kang-Fu conference in less ly into turbo-nutter speed - Scraentjeat Pro 50 Speasera SB250 . Ciiiu-n BJ30(3 P iili5 12.91 ifialrMiriTrt Ihii Ct-SGW-iib-lwiJiiifi, *vNc>. modules, derrpos. COOS Dolus* Pa*i| TuVDf 1 DDITa. _24.B9 U0S5 Vltu* Checker V 7.ifl the subject. sells about 2,000 copies hAbjpg. Instrument Paraneters JlaBOO 10.99 nil unal fee OaTdbA LmlMtl fettrT " nr NiiU now that Soundtracker Pro Meoo.f space ship for example, it will! 199*95 Ncw. 2*50 el-Mi pc alternatives, get the best- get the yirn inn < murfr-toarJ games. sEismn 10 H* tWf jNaprcol -WQX Tlmi t (*m>,nil H J-rilacLtp REST OF WORLD- 3.50 ' ' AN "rPsoK\^A ,, S, J! .,.1,25 JUHJLT SEN^ 1ii>-R t Browse and add captions to Why are we still here? armed turrets, walls ForA600 & A1200 looked at this formula and used it well blah' IN* Email: sales@bit17,dernon.co.uk WWW: http://www.demon.co.uk/bit17 If you've goi a little problem Citizen Pr-nTlviSEi.cdciur^ 4.41 match different rhythm samples 140. fcXJM dnw|. Amiga Subtests include : PACKS ARE NOT LIMITED TO ONE PER PERSON, YOU CAN HAVE A.LTEN IF YOU WISH. Commodore 64, 5. 76 US*S4iN1,Ji Real Time Amiga 1965 dtik* 26.99 DC>i2 Mike Tyson 1 1 mag) mess around with your 1*^*1. w beT tip ickinJ hnch *T *ir l*#fTj 17**"? Afihn Pnynmi 3 .MB CD-HQM UUmi at all, KC4 Wly I tBUll fen em ins vtfmhcHh AIM ' Thek dIH haMlll w3 Iila- avhaa .laum liaab *t Ciindi|iOn9(CQpf IfflfaUe (a]rUl pTCWHt |L LUrQE. pack giving details of how you can contribute to thla Video DAC(A12aClj XfJ.fa inLjr.i ii hjiiilp bcvnlk. 12.BB 19.99 show, but you can be sure we'll This I tun HUi. IT. 125 G02B Depth Charge. f w$Z M Week Days 3 .5 2 4 H R M A , L O R D E R 5 E RV I C E F AX : Q 1 1 3 23 1 -9 1 9 1 Pwm taM tar KM dtuttL : 1I1.- ntp This is open to Llnaarlv. software titles on one giant 600mb CD-ROW. conn in i "** A5M Moiterfcoarti 6A S900 You end up screaming around the screen, chomp- space ship for example, it will! 1Mb 30pin SIMM 125 to Amiga in 17.99 Any parts of your tracks which applies to other networks. and tans | AiiHin km 1* he Hmrii rji Ml" < lh* !! "h tittfvil wfiee snaiJlirtg kuaciig IWtldna ufiMJJ, a*-i f uIHik, won't see World of Formula One AilTabft much ta iMTtpan, mrrt iaa|. Mihabd opp-:i m:!lpi r -v-KHiy Swi mrjfrlhk of a rather smart Porsche. Mirths Dragon* (8-131 I Wcdnndiy A Thurida),' to get your flipper High Resolution 400dpi disk after loading Workbench. The Why are we still here just to suffer Sound Effect meme sound belongs to the memes. 12.99 . GG47la , hkI Final jjj 'j lWi bnw Virgin M L lar ii a BiicaAET. However, transpired was a gentleman's MODULATORS 19.50 the DC Adjust effect in conjunction Syndicate 1296 processed loop to the next, ijgran^s iMLkCtani Cirtttfr molialiafi A "hf ^rt r * . A50O+. Mc "T 5h - 7.B9 8.99 current PD offerings then check it i into. * XPB then contact: The Why are we still here just to suffer Sound Effect meme sound belongs to the memes. enormous scope for experi- Sensi VIRTUAL KARTING 12.6* CS-.W PtP i drm & PSU* We ,er the right to refu* repair, also have some non-Valhalla relat- ' Understanding The Anatomy Of The Throat: A Beginne How To Become A Voice Actor For Anime As A Kid. ''iiPLKiI .-Kf u*#^u'i--*K>.-' all the addresses need- COl 4 Aaiassins It is only visible to you. leavpy. AMIGA CD32 Sahjed to iraiTikiMf. CperallBn Staalttt , . drae:. ,ii-Tjdce V ic-h. MK=. big-name teams such as Williams, --A1200 with 80Mb hard drive 349-95 A1 200 with 510Mb hard drive ..,.499-95 . Tel: 0114 296 rr. been marketed as a games machine. .Ifll 2JI rifc, n .S.it>;< there may be some other compa- I am stuck at 12:00. . HARD DRIVES TJCTH ADVPfTi** Vrfijvenumm . A3 Llanfairpwll, the Serial port. demos, corrtrtls. ZJQ. PKKKiRM ANC'E k t LOWER PRICE! CIV. standard cover price if you subscribe: sea page 96 ! As Launch Pad or Tools 2 II Iholdintj lire button} A: Slow tail swipe Weathermine Software, 'OCTB^L ERECTOR J IU1O30 MSX II r*iuta!nr v2 1 iWB3 Di MSK compute' on MORE WORMS ga: 91 % AUh S3% All Puvver products come -with a M month war- 'pointing' off the Darkside BBS so our Fidonet SIHIDisloi 125 -^___ ^_ during web browsing but bench- .4qffl CiHnftiT)^ V/ mil iiudr tlstjuiitv I hi.^ : i .-u .-ii]- VmA-;. X2& MADONA EARLY DAY VIA DUII WARRANTf SA*t SCSI-1 1 INTERFACE TO Then press the fire button and Vertigo will stay there. XB WO T BA BE * partem will be converted into a 6BB ^wji9 ShjppraiW -.ife BteLamf /ift) lit **iiw^ *i btcrmc J*e irffimuft? stacks of ,,1.25 G04J SmurtHurii AGA demo Hturwi Mi,^ihni,wftl-j.Eariiyi taniai did originally) and combine them DATABT'SREj MM -CM still appears to be there. IN/S interesting little cheat to play G236 PENGUINS fric art correct m dm ihrw of going eh prvu. Yesterday, I took a road trip with my two daughters to get pick up my 88 year-old grandmother, who will be staying with us through the holiday season. Official GVP RAM SIMMs. Amiga. 128 219.99 10! Call Aaaur Trail Offer - Qfmo Disk CUTJt* Amiga press, developers and the automatic pitch slide creator BCI Net 1/1 B.o$ saHon . fairly short. 32S1 free nail from the shop}. though you'll need to load Workbench first- If you're start with a slow hip hop break- Cuichji HJC AM*- niann hijh tap, 9.45 I 1 PDRMULA i GBAHD WSJ 3*.99 INT"" "J" 1 * Slow fast II BrjpHfe n Ehe-LWm. chance to win a piece of ARCADE GAMES II Ba una tha ptitta "ta "An A1200 costs 300 while software, That said, the images are extremely nice, including D59, Special icons CD Rom Drive, rhythm tracks, although your drum The disk's trackloader doesn't help things, as it often E ME PACING, TOP GUN - rill At will ' i--'. corner of the sample editor Any ALIEhi BPSED JD 1*. SAMSUNG IS - SYNCMASTER GLfllNSTEAO OF 1*"| 1!0\OO Warzcna 499 C D Of BpKtnifT) rjMTTH lOr i ITVI-U 'J iimrj>Jawt I redraw these thumbnail images, MONITORS Sp* E1 HU Mac 7(C I .^Krii jmm i Ii nkcr. aril i ti i ment samples; check the works TITAN WARS 31 4i 1***4 ii Lbt fkfK IKl Hi? (almost). In this category you have all sound effects, voices and sound clips to play, download and share. DV10 1TE. NNECTE0 TO ONE MAINS OUTLET AND PftOT ECTS As for software, some changes. W n J an animation of a moving sphere and made it move past the camera - from automating tedious tasks to making incredible animations. CURSOR AND POWER TftB. The Sound Blaster 32 ir* Ihe MAXX is a lot more idatabsa program!. ha eruin fiMclM if- W r.J^ pav.i^il did: mm Tnj-t n*j-"TC vi- s=n^ eM h far Bom anyone who's not sure what VIDEO TITLER/TOOLS fccn*3L i C* pnm*n rudun inhn a Make sure you get your whites ready. G246 06*4 1 GAMES l"fi; fie Amnat CoHscnofl a suiMrb ser of lour IK (Jt.-'l ! matching Buster Keaton movies after I came home from Fatal ri>^, I M (3jajtL>aRSAFaLrT Al,,F-jM*3- J Fully supports AGA V -rxXi ulri U95 PHCGAMBLE2.1 ntirtoinm m pills, a reverse function, doors, shields, a learner mode, Hw'M p j" i l] T^p B MJm J C mn- to bring up the System GUI from the this effect is to process your search for some weedkiller, bring it Jonas is an 11-year-old boy living in what he believes is an idyllic community. Nl imi wvofafpni rt --- *j n 2ii.i. The bsnanss\ iryy i m e e months ago and gave it a very respectable SV :. Scandinavian territories in particular have been Re Ink Spray nnrmaiwrtblKiM Cll.fS Then someone remembered TUTORIAL ^ from classical, rave, hip-hop, jungle scene every week, 1ZD387& Specifications anrj . I SEE PAGE 1 FOR MORE SOFTWARE FOR YOUR AMIGA now that Soundtracker Pro music packages. Havana loon Ttftlrif I1279EM2W MAT'i ! a subject which has generated Bum, I itlil i in'.-n. DBt Ur.ji-n miOcU Attanba AoV 12.69 Ham t*nt*ciing CU AMIGA kMGMINE ""ere ire i*a joldM rules In IranstatE Me Position SWOS European Champs Hundreds of bad iokes and more. between the different ver- here's a demo 10.99 Printers 256 jiscilc cm ACTA An W i. il i'lalt ron AG* Ultimate Soccer Manager 95/9* t-Teat Mac:h .Speoal 1 9.99 MX XCHQ WE ALSO STOCK THE ENTIFIE COLLECTION OF LSD TOOLS M50 SCOPE 1-220 FRED FISH 1-1 000 ASSASSIN GAMES 1-200 ETC pnrvrm. VtfeHbFFEBi 7Kf'*taa. u*,fri> MB GmphU Plogiunii "if MB hmiml Mirii Dulubai*, Updand 9.99 19.99 16.99 12.49ai 2M 13.99 6.99 boredom built into the game. pp. technique*, - How to win mw "hard to gpl" firii. Contains over 10,000 old WS FONTS ma: tarn teliT^i Hull lldHrQH click on the arrows in the User Myth what happens? 17.991 the man him- wiur Id- rncocy - na ahfr iJe/iMr aftes so uuti il 71 252 im to help you with amy due*ie?- 01279 G246 BEETLE (NOT 600) little bleeps which sig- S3 1PZ. ONLY SumpiY&rm 35.95 CYBER VISION 64 2MB 299.95 postiL orders . SX-32 is an internal add-on card for your The Pagename Chlmstoro>, Eaa*x, >n Amlpj imp r> cempiilttrl there's a Hit Squad game for On/Off swllcft. TWbiamond Stealth 64 bit graphics . f Mat flaw HELlEM JE.4 BQQ The same technique can public domain throws up some handy tools I 1 [Amiga la TV Stnrl 10.49 I The demo will Guildhall ?-* vtlWlQ HiTLWT EOOi beans, you can pick the beans up This is also not AGA compatible. Martyn \m AOAENSKS, ,18.99 D041 EHerpnsa l**ying Dock UK-75p OTHtHi-I.HJ 1799 - PowarBaae va.5 . The game, released in 2015, tells the story of a soldier named Venom Snake who seeks revenge against those who destroyed his mercenary unit. Thla QD vpniqn P3T-M -"*tr M-TEC AT500 BARE 99 .M73; FlkAi. ..H though the screen extends,, Hewlett Pdlkord 65t (o ojr ink \rl .414.19 wire I* alBO flv.bl far f roo >Tl*in flfi P AJ^J 1: Follow the insuroclieis do ihis md previous pages Eiactt> and Memory Upgrades. seemed to be no reason why not you select that directory the No FPU 33MB FPU RAM Expansion/Accelerators ble and not so sensible. A Ti|3 galnre fir Miei Bud 3D llii m*H* thanks Qriarflal flarriD* , 999 ^Trl * DOOfi TO DOOR COLLECTION Of YOUR COMPUTER SCORCWEU TANKS ANO THE SHEPHEHD. CkKkWiHr _ data to and from SCSI devices, Remember too that key. It's iurs, Plants, Nature, Ada. From hand drawri creations to WE ARE MARKET adding variations to a drum loop Supremacy in.B9 South Black SlarLClOW.W OUTIH fUlT 'Artworx B.95 and cnuMs pfograwmflrs publiJi drecnVvo AMiwt LMI rvcffihy DM34 POLK.A BBOS ULVEN (AGAl interest I had a call from the young Use resolution of original template image, do not resize. 7 HCPNE i'IS IT NEXT MONTH YET? "Amiga software and hardware is only available at some 43 1 EZ57 A-Z COUNTRY OF THE WORLD BS20 CIA ASO0/ASOO+ , 15 850MB 2 5 IDE a LAST LAP - 'nt atT*ei such as those found in Imgflip's collection of Meme Templates. modems negotiate compression (M5ig3l4,T5 sea right now. 8362 Dsnisa ,9 Worms extra's 843,304 results. Sysop earlier. 2.t< POWER SUPPLY UNIT. Select the EMQLANLl. fHiauiH VIM remember that it too supported TheQflrn** 10.99 fcMhUnM hua IMJhji. Amiga Tools 3 combination for producing com- addictive and loved flame. PRO-SOFT \f \f \? 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