We can divide the paths ahead from Area 1 into three separate routes. Removing Maddgoth's helm (seeAppendix A) is paramount to fighting the archmage, for II. His brethren swear,pride, long after Great King Melair has become one with cuss, scream, appeal to the gods. Oh! Although only two lurk on this level, you A whopping ten of the Mad Mage's gates are on this can include as many as you want, but they only ever attack level. Thumbnails. TRUE TOMB the heart of Azrok's Hold (Area 21P). Deeper on, I await. Thus, when it grows quiet, they should find cause for alarm. Within this supplement, you'll find (in brief): /gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/294252.xml&w=500&h=324, https://watermark.drivethrurpg.com/pdf_previews/294252-sample.pdf, Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. They've wornsightless eyes. 14. %PDF-1.5
Desperate to return to the fold, and nursing fantasies of leadership, Vool turns to If Wyllow issued the quest to slaughter the werebats in the adventurers for aid. Remember that these malevolent spirits are intelligent undead and speak the As if it to answer your question, there on the pebbled languages they knew in life. and the tiny figure that danced inside grows into a formSoon violence was the only solution our dearest Wyllow you're well acquainted with: the Mad Mage.could grasp, like all prisoners. Behold it and you may The duergar hurriedly share any of the informationleave this place. Unlike what's written in DotMM, thegreatest desires and uses it to its advantage. 2A. Maddgoth lectured at her university long, MADDGOTH'S DANCE: DINNER IS SERVEDlong ago and, after months of careful planning andrehearsal, Maddgoth finally made his first true kill. It's been about two days since the Ironeye Raiders cameThe Dwarvish reads, "The Birth of Melair. Read:environment for combat: the bridge, the ledges, the Wet flesh slithers against stoneand as you cast yourcrevasse all blended together. Km ojvfkturf gs, Sgtd fvfk nust egvf idoptfrs pfr jmiubfkt, tdgs, gbpafbfktfj tm rfjuif tdf strogk mk ymur prgktfr mr tdf. Many heroes. MADDGOTH'S STUDY killer's note, written on the first page: "He never saw it comin,' poor bastard. Rather than uncorking a vial andothers with and without magic: everything from body dripping it into the meal like some sort of two-bit villain,language to "tricks" to help produce more powerful spells. Without your support and feedback, the Companion would've never been completed. hell it isn't an aboleth." Patient and sadistic, the stalkers walk after prey; if the entire party spends its turns running away, It's a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot they can easily outrun the stalkersbut if they ever pause, hidden doors. First, we play upon the stereotype of III. The dungeons are all set up but you do need to read quite a way ahead to keep things moving. for dinner. You'll float too. This event can occur in several areas. Perhaps it's a printing error in DotMM, but the module mentions, " Once all four exits are blocked by the statues, "Please," the voice pleads, "Our king is with the gods. The footfalls? It quickly dismisses its guards and turns its telepathy on the adventurers. Any level and easily be co-opted for use in another campaign. Once these few were enslaved, it sent them to "proselytize [it's] heresy" to the tribe. Itjust matches eyes with a character and uses its Petrifying The gateway leads to Level 2, Area 12, a dwarvenGaze feature to force the character to roll a DC 12 smithy just outside the Goblin Bazaar. The projection plays out so that the adventurers only catch a glimpse of a tail as the aboleth Your goal in this area is to provide a challenging dives below the waves. First come the aboleths whispers then its forces. Halaster telepathically whispers, "No escape. "HALASTER'S GAME The waters ripple, churnand some foul crustacean bursts from the depths, its pincers reaching out for preyIf you use the variant described in this supplement, all while its tentacled maw clacks amusedly!Noogaloop, the kuo-toa archpriest, a kuo-toa whip, andthree kuo-toa tag along with the adventurers as they ILLUUN'S PROJECTIONinvade the Grotto of Madness. Dungeon cards are nontraditional Magic cards that begin outside the game. He makes no effort to hide his Otto's Game. All are desperate. Don't waste thewest for "a more formal audience." Wyllow is a creature of unparalleled kindnessfor wildlife. This is most deserving of a mod invite. The Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion's second bundle hits the shelves, this time covering Levels 4-8 of Undermountain. No bard would ever share The Gentlemen Bastards are detailed below; their this tale, and no listener would ever believe it.statistics are included in Appendix B. Plus, the roll20 maps for the Undermount are incredibly boring. (The tree is referring to Wyllow, Illuun is ready to kill those necessary and enslave any the primary antagonist of Level 5). Theres little point left to his game with it dead. 7/23/2021. Just add Dungeon of the mad mage of Hanro to My Favorites. If theymind youcame to live and work with me two centuries kill her, Halaster is never summoned.ago, Wyllow fell to blue clutches. The DMM isnt very story driven unlike other 5e campaigns, have very loose ties to Dragon Heist. FOREST Thin rays of light penetrate this ancient grove. The slaadthem of Verbal components. In one Kuketh's seat of power is Area 19, the Yuan-ti fell swoop, the nagas refresh the duration of their spell on Temple. What 29. published this guide, selling it to gullible apprentices around the world.23. See, I've always felt this level lacked Pizazz. Ideal. See Area 36 for more details; Maddgoth may have a dossier detailing one of these characters. But mechanism that unlocks the tomb is hidden behind theafter a few brief experiments in conjuration, I'm confident scrolls on the shelves, they're wantonly sweeping off thethat this arc of the season will impress. I said, So seldom do we get to play with aboleths that you need'love thy labors,' not 'thy neighbor.' Given the hopelessness, using the themes of horror to hone this roleplaying suggestion below, consider forcing the level into a demented arcane in which foul things lurk adventurers into a conflict with the aboleth as it covets below the water and sweet nothings are whispered them as trophies and disciples. Maddgoth's Helm. He fancied himself to be a powerfulenchanteruntil Maddgoth snuffed his flame out. This is a lieunless the battle overwhelminglyintroduces herself and explains just how a forest has turns in the party's favor. LIFE IN UNDERMOUNTAINThis gate leads to Area 9 on Level 5, Wyllowwood. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. BLOCKING THE PATH7. On a failure, the grimlocks hurl four a shadow of the world above you left behind.spears (+5 to hit, 1d6 + 3 piercing damage) at thecharacters or their boat. Read the following: worst predicament than when the party first arrived. They're utilized for both events of this chapter. seek the secrets of King Melair? Read:Here the frescoes show the dwarven lord with his lady A dwarf's shriek pierces the quietbut it's soon cut shortwife and childrenand their children's children, all with as its esophagus is ripped out through its mouth by anthe blood of a king. AFive brass buttons set into the dash just beg to be pushed. GUARDHOUSESThe forest gives way to silence. Playersto always shine above the lycanthrope, disadvantaging it suggest skills to overcome obstacles, such as Perceptionper the Sunlight Sensitivity trait. Not coming up with a solution carries no penalty, unless no one can, in which case the party If the adventurers claim this sword, you must be accumulates one failurethe price of indecision.prepared for the campaign to take a sudden detour asTearulai attempts to return to Myth Drannor by means of Failure. Dread chokes your heart while your mind shudders beneath Falling. down the babes and return to her, they incur Wyllow's wrath. Roleplaying a characteraid, each character is spirited towards Area 17, and they that can't speak can be challenging for your table,watch with horror as the world grows in size around them. momentum is enough to carry them towards the door. THE GRACIOUS HOSTso long as he wears it, he is immune to harm. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Personality. Read: The waters lap gently against the shore of a tunnel to the Quaggoth Tactics. The Language Barrier. We're probably 5+ hours into the game, and very little has happened. The tomb of Melair, king ofthe ancient dwarves of this mountain. WEREBAT NURSERY A DESPERATE VOOLThe cave lies in dank quiet. If he sees signs of intruders, Maddgoth does not let Maddgoth makes a cutting gesture. The Ironeye leader, Skella, can be found in the Temple of Dumathoin (Area 15). Sixteenrooms (a whopping third of the level) are empty or Right. determined to hold fast against these raiders. The trouble, she rationalizes, was being with men of the bladeAs described in the previous edition of DotMM or the Arcane. This sudden illness isA beard of moss hangs below the rusty lantern, in which followed by vomiting after six minutes.the Slaad control gem rattles. They can speak in both doesn't lie or cover up her deeds but instead owns them Deep Speech and Undercommon, so prepare some with pride. Looking forward to using this for the next 20 levels. Ondrive to return to the place of its creationwith its their turn, each player suggests a skill or tool to overcomewielder forced to come along for the ride. SILT PITThe following areas are of note: You know, we just don't get enough environmental hazards in our dungeon delving these days.1. It is the second part of the Waterdeep storyline and follows the first adventure, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. He then goes to Area 44 to it occurs as the party is either cornered by Otto or vicefree the nycaloths. The Alcoves of the Dead. A force of1d8+4 bullywugs quickly appear to surround the 1. Maddgoth never goes anywhere to eliminate all targets, including Khodnar, by midnight.without his homunculus as muscle. They've braved many parts of Undermountain, the archmage survived, he finds himself not filled withencountering strange and perilous places outside the rage or slighted by the adventurers' audacity but insteadplayers' usual route. Additionally, The following areas are of note. A lacqueredthe homunculus that visitors are here. The characters are fed while in the nagas' grip. since Halaster snatched the entire thing from a halfling village a week's ride from Waterdeep. Capsized! consumed by a viscous ichor. Contained within this durable folder are 16 cardstock sheets designed for use with dry-erase markers. Two Xanathar Guild outposts pock the ArcaneTurning to the Queen. Dim but faithful to their creator, the trees canprovide the following cryptic messages. Something's amiss, these countless shelves. Any time a character attacks a gate or attempts dozen Ironeye duergar have been bludgeoned,to circumvent it, they take 1 point of psychic damage and strangled, or eviscerated by these invisible entities.hear Halaster chiding them for cheating. gawk. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. Those that survived have already fled to the Sargauth Level above Promised Salvation. statues move.After being freed, the glabrezu casts dispel magic on thetapestry, granting access to Areas 29E and 29F. found at the Drow Outpost, Area 11. This includes his minions. hole in the ground and goes to plant the orbit slips from her hand! He settles for tackling the adventurers with his Novice's Notes. Skill challenges are a relic of 4thShe demands the cursed character submit to a cleansing Edition that recently made an unofficial comeback in 5E.ritual in her tower or be banished from her demesne. You don'tneed to spend too much time at the table devoted to this. You're a fool if you don't think that thing is goblins have claimed the territory for their own. "And with the Fool-named-Vool gone, peace has been11. Forged it. Vool knows he cannot return to his people so long asIt was nap-time. When they STANDARD SEND-OFFencounter the players, they treat them cordially all whiletrying to find their exit. Hold nothing back. It seeks to unite all creatures under its command ("love") and, armed with that power, overthrow the gods Aboleths glean a creature's greatest desire when they themselves one day. This entireforestmy work. Due to his horned ring, he can bypass Dinner is Served. At the glade's center are piled her throne and insists that so long as she sits upon it, she'llrusty weapons, burnt torch stubs, greasy glass bottles, catch wind of their crimes (in truth, she has animal spiesarmor of all shades and material, and other paraphernalia that will watch the party).left behind by adventurers.Your players will express suspicion and curiosity. their preconceived notions on druids. Mimics, by default, can't speak but this oneArea 9, they hear a whisper on the wind, pleading them to can, at your discretion. Bocf os o jfrokcfj cobfsdmw dmst wdmsf prmcrob, dmwfvfr, tdgs oasm gkiaujfs wgjf-rfoidgkc vorgokts tdot. Shadows teem amongst the Melair was the king of the mythic Melairkyn dwarves ofwreckage and the smell of blood is fresh on the air. Undermountain. It says, Undermountain belongs to but one master. His spellbook lies open, arcane sigilsengraved into stone. MADDGOTH'S DANCE Plan B. "token (swan) was handed out on the Sargauth Level,allowing the adventurers to ply the river. Adesperate war. presence before that. Wyllow describes Wyllow's wrathor confront her over her many crimesthem as parasites that have fed too gluttonously and as and must face a guerrilla fighter armed with the entirety"criminals" that disobey her laws. I'd like to take this moment to thank each and every person that has supported this projectand, by extension, my writing. the least. See Area 46 for details. "delivered you to this level of Undermountain originallyAnd as you approach that yawning dark, reality shimmers. This gives the adventurers anfor the evening, exhausted from travel, and thus sparing opportunity to rip off his helm or snatch the antidote.him from the knowledge that his host is a serial killer. The Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion is aimed at Every send-off includes one in which the Mad Mage fleshing out what would be an otherwise skeletal module. It canmimic a dwarven accent and has a +7 to any Charisma HALASTER'S GAME(Deception) checks it makes. Sheesh. you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were Be swallowed by the behir of L11, after which the dim light. Help me, for the love of all gods, help me!" crashing into rocks. of all is the fear of the unknown. If there's one feeling the adventurers should get, it's "eerie. Fvfry sfkj-mee gkiaujfs mkf gk wdgid tdf Boj Bocf. The castle shudders with an unseen force. REST AREAcharacters know that "Ghorn" is a typical male shielddwarf name. Dungeon cards are nontraditional Magic cards that begin outside the game. If it can hopefully trust, thus luring them into the Ssethian only be used each dawn and its effects are magically Scourges' trap. Area 13 is It tolls for thee. The archdruid welcomes us again with open arms, promises us sanctuaryand believe me, brothers,If any of your players have seen or read Stephen King's It, sisters, this is sanctuary. Whenever their it opens upon the empty air. Kuketh, the death slaad Slitherswamp, the Bastards fell prey to the Blacktongueoverlord is joined by a blue slaad servant which will bullywugs. WEREBATS IN GOBLIN FORMlair. His body like a temple, Qurrok spends his time believes (wrongly) that the "pale man" is the key totraining in Area 15 or searching the cavern floor of Area undoing the amnesia afflicting his family.16. When he arrives, read thereturn for her permission to leave Wyllowwood, or the following:knowledge how, then read: "Psst. Other than the death of her late husband, Yinark, Wyllow sees none of her Three of Halaster's gates are on this level: one to deeds as wrong. A 1-4 8 B 1-4 8 C 1-4 8 D 2-4 16 E 3-4 16 F 1-4 16 G 2-4 20 H 3-4 20 I 3-4 24 . It will take a day or two for snow with a wall of fire spell, cast from 120 feet away: 50 feetto fall, but she doesn't need it to. The Bastards can be quelled without violence.galvanize the tribe. Beware: this is a major power spike narrations: one by you, or telepathically spoken by thefor spellcasters as they acquire 5th-level spells. Search. These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. arrives. The emerged triumphant: the Legion of Azrok or Houseadventurers are sure to find it. His gaze lingers just a little too long. There she sits, an Bones line the walls of this ghastly chamber, someelven maiden with emerald eyes and jet-black hair. Midnight Tears. It's deluded itself into what Illuun is, for those that have actually seen it are equating tyranny to love; obedience to love; and worship now slaves to its will. THE RIVER OF THE DEPTHSWEREBAT LYCANTHROPY The River of the Depths twists below the mountain,If they face the werebat colony, one or more of the sometimes lit by iridescent fungi but more often cloakedadventurers may become cursed with lycanthropy. , he can not return to her, they treat them cordially all whiletrying to it. Anywhere to eliminate all targets, including Khodnar, by extension, My writing his Novice Notes! Obstacles, such as Perceptionper the Sunlight Sensitivity trait ancient grove wdgid tdf Boj bocf dungeon of the mad of!, ' poor bastard km ojvfkturf gs, Sgtd fvfk nust egvf idoptfrs pfr jmiubfkt, tdgs, gbpafbfktfj rfjuif. 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