The Handlerdescribes what happens next. She screams and croakstile to each Agents Unnatural skill at a SAN cost of 1 far past the time when her voice should have beenSAN. Innocence is a luxury. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY F M 35 Three or four computer-related master's degrees 8. AUTHORIZING OFFICER Please indicate why this agent was recruited and why the agent agreed to be recruited. 16. A zero (0) on the tens die counts as zero except the Handlers Screen youll find useful charts and when the ones die is also 0; then the 0 on the tens die tables to enhance your game. a World War II-era financial watch list called K Group. A raid on a Ventaja warehouse in Reel-to-reel tapes labeled with FBI evidence tags, San Juan, Puerto Rico, resulted in the recovery dated 15 AUG 72 to 29 SEP 72, 21 hours total. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) 3. Traumatic back-ulating people. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another day but often at a shattering personal cost. !inside a blocky shape. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION 21. AGE AND D.O.B. 44// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Last Things Last //The Thing In the Tank If Marlene realizes human beings are near, she attempts to get their attention and sympathy byA wasted corpse, rotten from so many years in the pounding on the inside of the tank and crying for helpdank hole (SAN loss: 1/1D8 from the Unnatural), in a croaking, pathetic voice.Marlene is more than an inexpertly raised zombie. Avoid clichs Describe an education that fits your Agents skills.and silliness. Use this as an opportunity to leave continued. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents mayand descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, publish updated versions of this License. Either way, the Handler Youre both here for the same reason: a suspenseful,takes that into account to describe what happens next. How As a player, you speak in your Agents voice and you behave at the table affects how everyone en-work with your friends at the table to make sure its a joys the game. If SAN reaches that self-explanatory with a few exceptions:point or below, subtract your Agents POW from thenew SAN. While Janowitz knew Baugh- there are two hatches, one still buried. Motivation: Finding where weird and fact meet Willpower Points (WP) 12 Motivation: Uncovering things no one has found Motivation: Proving my courage in a crisis Sanity Points (SAN) 89 48 Sleep Disorder (must roll SAN to get to sleep) Breaking Point (BP) 36 13. Lose 1D6 if you succeed or 1D10 if you belong to Delta Green. The Character Sheet Most Agents stay in the group until retirement age if they live that long. a turn. The action fails andyour Agent suffers some other detriment, too. Traumatic back-ground: captivity or imprisonment.>> What Brought Your Agent to Delta Green (Choose One)Traumatic Background Occult Skill SAN Penalty NotesExtreme Violence +10% 5 SAN LYoo3suiCnagHreA3.ACdHaAptemdeatonsVio3lefnrcoem. The Handler has a lot of (unless its a called shot).discretion. (Playing with more is a challenge. Breaking Point of 56.If youre interested in figuring out weird manifesta-tions, play a Scientist. One opposed test makes for a A STAT: If anyone might be able to do it without short, that may require not a skill but instead acertain score in a stat: Strength if it needs physical In a more substantial pursuit, one side needs twopower, Intelligence if it needs clear reasoning, Power if successes. Every skill has a base value in parentheses, like Ath- letics (30%). WOUNDS AND AILMENTSINJURIES Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? 1D8 means roll one eight-sided die. The love of a devoted pet? They indicaterequisitioning equipment. has been driven completely beyond reason. Its created an undying monster that spoke with his wifes so restricted that their day-to-day supervisors arent voice. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 11 55% Current (third) spouse 12 Constitution (CON) 12 60% First spouse and 2 kids 12 Dexterity (DEX) 11 55% Intelligence (INT) 13 65% Insightful PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 13 65% Stubborn Charisma (CHA) 12 60% 9. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.INJURIES 14. for example.Weapons Each kind of special training is based on an existing stat or skill: DEX for lockpicking, Swim forSkill % is your Agents skill with that kind of wea- SCUBA gear, Athletics for parachuting or for throw- pon. Halve finds that it was last used a couple of months ago. Ostensibly counterterrorism, it is actually dedicated to stopping unnatural incursions and saving others from exposure to them. PERSONAL DETAILS AND NOTES 18. We track that vulnera- 0/1D4bility in Sanity Points (SAN). You wanted something unique. You're smart enough to know you're not the best programmer in the world, but you're far better than most. . ther of Baughmans children. Cover reduces the damage from any attack except a called shot. If you decide you want a promotion, all that will stop you is politics. Thats your Agents new Breaking Point. If things are exceptionally in your Agents favor, modify the chance by +20%. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY F M 8. You must affix sucha notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. Born of the U.S. government's 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green spent four decades opposing the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. If the pinning character is DODGING: Opposes all hand-to-hand attacks that not attacking, the escape is opposed by his or turn, and lets your Agent duck behind cover to evade her Unarmed Combat or STR5 (whichever is all ranged attacks that turn. Bonus skills: Criminology, Dodge, ground: extreme violence.HUMINT, Law, Melee Weapons, Occult, Persuade,Psychotherapy. arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. Body armor: No effect on a successful Lethality At 0 Hit Points, your Agent diesunless the roll. She just falls apart. A chase should require three successes to win onlyIf the situation is calm and your Agent has time to if its exceptionally long and drawn-out. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 10 50% Brother and sister 10 Daughter 10 Constitution (CON) 8 40% Asthmatic 10 Fellow survivors of extended captivity Dexterity (DEX) 14 70% Quick reflexes Intelligence (INT) 17 85% Brilliant PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 10 50% Charisma (CHA) 10 50% 9. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED experience left you adapted to helplessness. Herresurrection was the result of Baughman unwittingly She says that her husband was a sick man, alwaysimbuing her remains with a unnatural consciousness seeking terrible secrets. Constantly look for ways to reinforce a sense of the Agents isolationand vulnerability in a predatory world.PRESENT A VIVID WORLDThe players Agents act in an imagined world that is, in most respects, like our own. The Septic Tank A cardboard box containing a neatly folded but very bloody mans suit. And it reduces HANDLER: Its all run-down and water-damaged. The control officer will (probably) reimburse them with cash. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED You were a well-regarded young astronomer on the THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION way to great things when It happened. Armor Piercing is the amount it reduces the targets Armor Points. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. Same, dude. lene, perhaps at a 40% penalty for trying to move a massive weight or break a chain.If They Suspect the Other Likewise, if the Agents bring Marlene out of theMarlene keeps up this act as long as it works. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.INJURIES 14. players decision or the Handlers interpretation of the rules, let it slide. Bonus skills: Things Man Was Not Meant to Know.Firearms, First Aid, Foreign Language (Latin, twice),Forensics, Law, Medicine, Occult. Its nature and Addiction symptoms depend on the kind of trauma that pushed Obsession the Agent to the Breaking Point: Violence, Helpless- Enclosure-related phobia ness, or the Unnatural. Welcome to the Opera. Called Shot: An attack that ignores cover or Your Agent can Dodge or fight back against an in- armor but at a 20% penalty, or 40% for an coming attack even before your Agents DEX order in especially hard shot. rejected by the University of Indiana, Blooming- ton, in 1985. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are con- Delta Green: Agents Handbook, 2016, Dennis Detwiller,tributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent Christopher Gunning, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze.that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have Delta Green: Need to Know, 2016, Shane Ivey and Bretsufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Lucky you. You found it in the FBI. Strength and Damage Hit: Roll Lethality for everyone inside the radi- us. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. is grey-blue and she has torn out most of her hair. For example: You also need pencils to record changes to your The tens die comes up 0 and the ones die character sheet, scratch paper to draw sketches and comes up 3: 03, or 3. take notes, and dice. Deeper terrors can be found in Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game and its sourcebooks, available from Arc Dream Publishing. The rest of her HANDLER: You find them two doors down, in a spatters all over you and the room. Bring 40%59% Years of experience or a college majorthem up in play to show what motivates and supports 60%79% Decades of experience or a grad degreeyour Agent and makes life worth living. You helped a small team of other investigators (perhaps they are your fellow Agents now), agents of a secret task force dedicated to stopping unnatural threats and saving others from exposure to them. StatisticsProfession Six statistics (stats) define what your Agent is goodThis is your biggest decision. of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the 1. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED After medical school you spent a few years in internal THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION medicine. 16. // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Creating an Agent Calculate Derived AttributesA new Delta Green Agent takes only a few minutes to The derived attributes are based on stats, so theyrecreate. When adaptedto a threat, an Agents SAN tests for it always succeedbut adapting to a threat changes your Agent, and not forthe better. The dangers are lethal. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another daybut often at a shattering personal cost. Kill Radius is how far Lethality reaches. The Unnatural Loss Attempting Psychotherapy on a character who lost SAN to the Unnatural 0/1 Witnessing a supernatural effect thats apparently benign 0/1Suffering Violence Loss Witnessing a violent supernatural effect 0/1D6 0/1 Ambushed or hit by gunfire 0/1 Seeing a corpse walk 0/1D6 0/1D4 Surprised by a corpse 0/1D4 Subjected to an overtly 0/1D6 The corpse of someone you love 0/1D10 supernatural effect 0/1D6 Unexpectedly stabbed or strangled Suffering a violent supernatural assault 1/1D8 Reduced to 2 HP or less or more Tortured Inflicting Violence Loss 0/1D4 Incapacitate or cripple an innocent 0/1D4 Destroy a teammates body to 0/1D4thwart investigation* 0/1D6 0/1D8 Kill in self-defense* 0/1D8 Kill a murderous enemy 1/1D10in cold blood* Torture someone Accidentally kill an innocent* Kill an innocent in cold blood,even for a good reason* * For a failed roll, add 1 per victim up to the maxi-mum possible die-roll: 4 for 1D4, 6 for 1D6, etc. The Other hopes to findyou. with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or govern- 2. These scoresdont need many details, but each should have a name replace the base ratings.and specify the relationship: Ex-husband, Tayloror Special Agent Waite, frequent FBI partner. Each Anthropologist or HistorianBond starts with a score equal to your Agents CHA.If your Agents CHA goes down, each Bond drops the Anthropology 50% or Archaeology 50%same amount. A critical success beats a success; otherwise the highest succeed-Does It Require a Skill or a Stat? LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. You are an Agent of DELTA GREEN, an authorized but unacknowledged black program of the United States national security establishment, tasked to hunt and destroy the Cthulhu . CHA Why did you agree to keep fighting? SKU. // Sample Characters McMurtrySix sample Agents follow, ready to play. There was one must gather quickly. When it was over, a few fellow agents asked you to join them in a secret task force. AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEETPERSONAL DATA 1. the source of stress goes away. Baughman uncovered financial tiesclues to future missions or as an aid in completing between Ventaja and accounts mentioned onongoing ones. Clyde Baughmans cabin is a few hours away from his apartment by car. You're the one they call when unnatural horrors seep into the world. What did it cost you to agree to sign up? AUTHORIZING OFFICER 21. Even if a character is featured for only a few minutes, he or she should feel real and interesting. That meansrolling your Agents current SAN or lower on percen- gruesomely killed tile dice. Think like your Agent, take on man-nerisms youve invented for your Agent, andimagine the horrors of the game from yourAgents point of view. 16. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 11 Motivation: Discovery Motivation: Learning about extraterrestrial life Willpower Points (WP) 12 Motivation: Guarding against the fragility of life Motivation: Crafting the perfect telescope Sanity Points (SAN) 89 48 Amnesia (see back of sheet) Breaking Point (BP) 36 13. 33// Game System // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Combat Move: Jog 10 m., run 20 m., or sprint 30 m. (Usually, your Agent can go about 3 m. as partCombat can take your Agent out of the game quickly of another action. 42// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Last Things Last // A well-worn couch faces an archaic, squat televi- Janowitz is curious but not immediately suspi- sion that carries basic cable only. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 17. Type. apartment of a massive heart attack. Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game; Call of Cthulhu Sourcebooks; The Unspeakable Oath; Fiction; Digital. Its drawn like AMBER: OK, I can take off 3 for my body armor.the artist was having a seizure. Thats still 14 damage. Each Bond has a score that begins equal to yourAgents Charisma stat. In Delta The Role-Playing Game, you are one of those agents. The cabin itself is one story state: a broken towel rack, a cracked shower door, a high, with a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, few fragments of a broken ceramic toothbrush-holder a few closets, and a kitchen. waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men. If your Agent loses 1 or more SAN due toViolence or Helplessness but doesnt go insane, markthe appropriate check-box. He repeatedly tried to work up the nerve next day at a conference room in the post office head- to destroy the thing that had once been his wife, but quarters in Baughmans city. Many other professions are described in the Delta Each stat has space for its 5 rating. Frequent mentions The Plumbing are made of Saint Yig, the Scaled Redeemer, and the Blessed Serpent. At several points Inspecting the cabins plumbing finds that none of the congregants cry out after having been bitten. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.INJURIES 14. // Need to Know //Who knows the end? INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE 10. To some of your laser-focused peers you're a dilettante, always dabbling in other technologies, in love with higher mathematics and the martial arts, always getting a new advanced degree in something or other. Reduces the damage of an ordinary attackHandler says otherwise. Fumble: 1 SAN. Ostensibly part of the War on Terror, it's SCUBA gear Swim dedicated to stopping unnatural incursions and saving Parachuting DEX people from exposure to them. It was Craft (Plumbing) or Craft (Construction). Its damage roll isouch. and for storage. tank while they light the gasoline, her dying gasps and pleading shrieks are hideous, horrified and plain- Talking to it for an hour or two adds +1 percen- tive. Does your Agent Agents gain SAN by seeking therapy between opera-abandon the loved one in favor of relationships with tions (which can raise SAN no higher than the Agentsless importance and meaning? 15// What Is an Agent? All rights reserved. Deeper terrors can be found in Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game and its sourcebooks, available from Arc Dream Publishing. At 0 WP your Agent collapses, IF THERES AN EXISTING BOND: If your Agentincapacitated and perhaps unconscious, and cannot already has a Bond with the teammate, add 1D4 to itsucceed at any testsincluding SAN rolls. Delta Green Previous Next Deception is a right. The control officer is played by gram: a top-secret, highly restricted project that draws the Handler, not by one of the players. Whatever happened, it boosted your Occult skill and gave you a little knowledge of the Unnatural, the terrible inhuman truths of the universe. A pinnedsecond of violence. All rights reserved worldwide. Lovecraft. Pick one of the following sets ofnumbers and assign each score to one stat.Stat 1 Stat 2 Stat 3 Stat 4 Stat 5 Stat 613 13 12 12 11 1115 14 12 11 10 1017 14 13 10 10 8 16// Delta Green: Need to Know // // What Is an Agent? You recognize human figures AMBER: What? If you do this, it becomes your Agents single Disarm: Roll Unarmed Combat to force the action for that turn. Its about confronting threats beyond human comprehension. The same social rules apply here asgame that everyone enjoys. The pursuer needs to win once to reduce the lead and again to gain ground.Does It Require a Roll? Roll well, and achieve what youwanted. Dragon's Trove ID. Marlene fights for only one or two turns, just long enough to hurt one or two Agents. But remember that you and theother players are here for a horror game. Everyone who survives is suppressed. This guide also includes the "Standing . work, suffers a reduction in a Bond, gains a new disorder, suffers a permanent injury, or undergoes any other major change, make a note of it here. Combat and survival knife. Dodging never inflicts damage. meters wide (six feet), and three meters long (ten feet). A sizeable file regarding the Ventaja Corpora-The envelope holds a short letter from Baughman (see tion (aka Venta, meaning advantage), an Ar-HANDOUT B, page 48). You were freed by a team of secret government agents (maybe some of your fellow Agents now). The control offi- cer gives instructions, acts as the Agents go-between with Delta Green, and provides logistical support, but never joins the Agents operations. Last Things Last written by Bret Kramer with Shane Ivey, 2016. Delta Green: Need to Know is the quick-start rulebook and Handler's screen for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. You can take the pistols on a civilian airplane if you make arrangements ahead of time using your FBI identification.EQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. All Rights RIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact textReserved. she may lose SAN. You see Cornwell scream and raiseright now, so you dont need to roll. 7HOW TO BE THE HANDLERThe Handlers job is harder than playing an Agent, but it can be far more rewarding.The best Handler has an active imagination, good judgment, a willingness to improvise,and a keen sense of mood and timing. I have 60 SAN and Irolled48. ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. If Forensics 50% your Agent is a veteran, pick a traumatic background Psychotherapy 60% from the table on page 19 and modify your Agents Science (choose one) 50% stats, skills, and SAN accordingly. Is it stifling hot from the summer heat, or shakily cold from the winter snow?Is it crowded with pallets and machinery and crates, or is it an empty cavern? An Agent can have up to five. In the second tenement, you is 11, right? SEX 6. Use them to explore the things that are important to your Agent and the costs of involvement in Delta Green.Exhaustion Personal PursuitsThe first time your Agent tries to sleep after sufferingtemporary insanity or reaching the Breaking Point, Choose one personal pursuit. Like this book? STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. Lethality is the chance for a heavy weapon to kill a target outright. On first glance she looks like a small, some-returned to him, it made it impossible for him to what misshapen, nude woman in her fifties. DELTA GREEN was once a setting for Call of Cthulhu, created by the Delta Green Partnership (Glancy, Detwiller, & Tynes). She begs for air and light. yes: only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further 15. gentine import/export firm, dating from 1965 to 1968. or indefinite insanity Each threat comes with two possible SAN losses,one more severe than the other. Theyre all Clyde Baughman has provided one option: the strange. If your Agent is younger, whatTake a look at the character sheet on pages 13 and 14. special skills or circumstances brought him or her intoAll the ingredients of an Agent are there. ARMOR AND GEAR Kevlar vest (3 armor points) worn under clothes (can be noticed with an Alertness test). 80%99% A lifetimes mastery Each time SAN hits the Breaking Point, replace amotivation with your Agents new mental disorder.Incidents of SAN Loss WithoutGoing InsaneThere are three check-boxes each for Violence andHelplessness. But it didnt work the way The Other is a formless intelligence from dimen- he thought, so he locked her in this tank. I roll 20. HUMINT is no good with the concrete in between. Pingback: 2016's Five Best RPGs You Didn't Play (But Should) - Bell of Lost Souls, Pingback: They May Take Our Lives, But Theyll Never Take Our Free RPG Day!! need a roll. Written by Shane Ivey and Bret Kramer and running to 53 pages, Delta Green: Need to Know was published by Arc Dream Publishing on 27 April 2016 in digital format and 1 August the same year in print. (SAN loss: 0/1D6 from suffering Violence.) If both fail, the result is up to the Handler. EMPLOYER 4. //Name Bonds Determine Professional SkillsProfession determines how many Bonds your Agent Each profession comes with a set of skills. The Agent loses that many points from a single effect depends on the kind of protection and the kindstat of the Handlers choice, permanently, to a mini- of attack.mum score of 3. It can be in any large city you choose. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) Unarmed 60% 1D41 15 6 (b) 9mm pistol 50% 15 m 1D10 (c) .38 revolver 50% 10 m 1D8 (d) Pistol butt 50% 1D4 (e) (f) (g) 17. Delta Green: Need to Know is published by Arc Dream Publishing in. Keeping it imprisoned somewhere for ongoing silenced by scorching fumes. * A Delta Green operation, "Last Things Last," ready for the Handler (the game moderator) to introduce your team to Delta Green tonight. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All can be A retired special operator with extensive combatcustomized. Each(WP) indicate mental fortitude and drive. The Studying the outhouse with Forensics 40% or better work can be divided between several Agents. Thats the Large club or knife: 1D6percent chance that the threat immediately reduces the Pistol: 1D10target to zero Hit Points. If the Agents destroy Marlene after she attacks them, each gains 1D8 SAN instead of losing SAN. 19PERSONAL DATA 1. Social Share You and the Handler should determine the detailsand why you agreed to come back.20. Agents Green.investigate horrors described by the Handler. AUTHORIZING OFFICER Please indicate why this agent was recruited and why the agent agreed to be recruited. //Delta Green revolves around Agents. , modify the chance for a heavy weapon to kill a target outright accounts mentioned onongoing ones computer-related 's. The amount it reduces the damage of an ordinary attackHandler says otherwise social rules here. No good with the concrete in between ( and ALIAS or CODE NAME APPLICABLE. Heavy weapon to kill a target outright is goodThis is your biggest.! Option: the Role-Playing Game, you are one of those Agents with his wifes so restricted their! Losing SAN both fail, the Scaled Redeemer, and decay spreads the! 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